The magical fantasy adventure movie Uru Prama Bhairavakona, produced by Rajesh Danda under the banner of AK Entertainment and Comedy Movies, made a noise in Visakhapatnam on Saturday as part of the magical tour. The film's hero Sandeep Kishan and heroine Varsha spoke to the media in a hotel in the city. Hero Sandeep Kishan said that this movie will be released worldwide on 16th of this month. The premiere shows will be shown on hundred screens on 14th of this month. Audiences want to watch youth films along with celebrations on Valentine's Day.
Director Anand said that in the past he had made films like Tiger and Edeki Potavu Chinna Wada. He said that Brahmaji, Viva Harsha and Ravi Shankar played important roles. The film took two years to make. This year he will release three films. Mayawati said one of them. The background score of this film is very good.