Actress Amyra Dastur, who recently featured in the music video of the single 'Kya Loge Tum' alongside Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar, shared that she unknowingly broke her character as she was floored by Akshay's performance during the shoot of the song.
In the song, Amyra plays the character of a woman who is caught cheating on Akshay's character of a singer. "I remember when there's part when everybody gets up and starts clapping and I was so enamoured by sir's performance even I started getting up and clapping and our director was like, 'No no Amyra, you have to be sad, you have to cry, you don't clap, he is talking about leaving you'. Everybody started laughing. All in all it was a wonderful shoot and even though I was basically crying throughout the song I still had a lot of fun shooting it and ya, I really look forward to part 2."